About Me

(I LOVE Daily Grace, and occasionally like to Grace Face in pictures)

Name: Ebbony
Hometown: Beaverton, Oregon/ Ashland, Oregon
Reason for blogging: To document my summer in Michigan

10 things you should know about me:
1. I have never spent a summer away from home, and I have never traveled alone. This will be my first experience with both so just bear with me.

2. I forget a lot. So I might forget to post a few times, but I swear I'll make it up.

3. My friends mean the world to me and I will miss them all dearly, especially my best friend Burrito (not his real name, but I always call him that). I will be over 2,000 miles away from all of them and even though I met them all within my first year of college I feel very close to all of them. We have been through so much together that I don't know what I'd do without them.

4. I have a super short attention span. It takes me forever to do things. I also procrastinate like nobody's business. Sometimes I procrastinate procrastinating. It's insane It's amazing I graduated high school with the decent grades I had. Simply amazing. Also because of this short attention span I find trivial things SUPER entertaining, and I get distracted like no other. My faults, but hey,nobody's perfect....

5.  I have only been to Michigan once in the summer of 2000, and I don't really remember it. I traveled with my family and all I remember is being eaten alive by pesky mosquitoes, and saying things at the breakfast table that made my grandma crack up for days.

6. I'm about to experience insane jet lag. I live on the West coast and am visiting the East coast for the first time (last time doesn't count because I was 7)

7.  I just finished my first year of college and even though I don't really want to go to Michigan I think this is the perfect "I-just-finished-freshman-year-again" trip

8. I will be living with my grandma and grandpa, and my grandma really likes to run things, which is a problem for me best I don't like to listen to adults and I have a slight problem with authorities. So please excuse any rants about how annoying my grandma is. I love her to pieces but I hate not being in charge of myself.

9.  I love music, and by love I mean LOOOOOOOOOVE, I always have a million songs stuck in my head and usually I sing random lyrics to anyone who will listen. I also have this weird thing where if someone says something that sounds like a lyric of a song I will have that song stuck in my head for hours, it's kind of ridiculous.

And last but not least...
10. I obsess about things super easily. Blogs, music, movies, actors, random things that usually wouldn't matter. I think it's kind of a problem... But I don't see it changing anytime soon. Hopefully my obsessions will be helpful, funny or just entertainingly dumb to all of you.

If you're still reading I hope you enjoy my rants, raves and rambles about living in Michigan for the summer!

Email me at: Somewherefarfaraway1@gmail.com
Follow me on Tumblr: http://randomdreaming.tumblr.com/

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