Thursday, August 30, 2012

So I basically suck as a blogger.
I'm really sorry guys.
I've just been in a ho-hum kind of mood and haven't felt like blogging.
I will for sure blog tomorrow about the Christmas store and some other stuff
Hope you've had a lovely week!
♥  E

Friday, August 3, 2012

Delicious food and surprises

Yesterday my grandpa called me, now this wouldn't have been weird but I just thought that he was in the living room watching tv, to my surprise he said "we'll be there in five, we're going out to eat". Naturally I jumped up, threw my phone and got ready to go.
When they finally got back to the house I was all ready to go, and I walked out to the kitchen and my grandma said "oh yeah I made your skirt last night". I looked over at the table and there was this beauty just sitting there. 

So many surprises in such a short span. 
Then to keep the surprises coming we ended up going to Cracker Barrel, now I don't know if you guys have ever been there, but HOLY CRAP! I love it so much!
And I got to have breakfast for dinner, who doesn't love that?!
French toast, bacon and eggs(ew)
Definitely didn't eat the eggs because I think eggs are gross. But other than that it was delicious!
They also gave me these adorable little bottles of syrup
So cute! Yes I stole one
Then after that we went to Meijer (not fun but whatever). One of my best friends called when we were leaving and I got to talk to her, which was cool, but the subject kinda sucked (it made me sad that I couldn't help her). After that we went to Starbucks though!
Iced white chocolate mocha!
I'm certain that this was a pretty good day.
Have a great weekend!
♥  E

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

REVIEW: Frankenmuth

Last Saturday grandma and I ventured to Frakenmuth, MI
They have little boat tours

This place is awesome! They have a bakery downstairs
^^Same place as above
Too precious
This is above the hallway leading to the bakery
In front of the visitors center
I thought this was awesome!
These reminded my of Mushu from Mulan

I wanted to buy these SOOOO badly!!
The Visitors center 

I thought these were the cutest things
Obviously my favorite!
The little lake that the boat tours go on
So stinking pretty!
The bridge!
Most adorable little mall ever
Reminds me of Streets of Tanasborne kinda
Adorable book store

Grandma bought me a tiny thing of preserves :)
I have to say this little town is the most adorable place. I had the best time ever! It was also like 83 degrees out so the helped a lot. I took about 100 pictures but decided that'd be too much to post, so these are my favorites. I have to say though the Bavarian inn was my favorite place. Upstairs (aka the level you enter on) is a restaurant, we didn't eat there but the food smelt delicious. Then downstairs there's a bakery and a few shops. The shops have the cutest little knick knacks. I wish I had had a ton of money to buy a bunch of things. The bakery was awesome, they were making fresh bread and desserts. I had a massive pretzel that was AMAZING! I definitely recommend people to go check it out if you're ever in Michigan.
Until next time,

♥  E