Monday, September 10, 2012

REVIEW: Overexposed

My forth review is about Maroon 5's newest album Overexposed.
The album cover
I've basically been obsessed with this album since I downloaded it in June. I've listened to it so much that nine of the songs from this album are in my Top 25 Most Played playlist on iTunes, and six of them are my top six played. OBSESSED! 
I'm going to review the songs in the order that they appear on the album.
  1. One More Night: Number 4 on my top 25 playlist. This song is super catchy, whenever it plays I have to sing along. I have to say this is definitely one of the best songs on the album, I listen to it all the time. The beat to the song is very poppy and super easy to dance to. The music video is okay, but not their best.
  2. Payphone: This song is obviously their first single from the album and very popular. I like it, but since I've heard it so much it's not one of my favorites anymore. I think it's funny that a lot of people think it's a love song but really it's not. Listen to the lyrics really closely and you'll realize it's kind of a break up song.
  3. Daylight: I really like this song. I think it's about how he goes on tours so he doesn't get to spend time with whoever he's dating. That's just my guess. I like how this song is slower and not as dancy as the others. It's a good song to listen to if you need music to fall asleep to.
  4. Lucky Strike: Number 1 on my top 25 playlist. Obviously I LOVE this song. It's so upbeat and catchy. I randomly start singing this song to myself all the time. The beat is so powerful, the lyrics are pretty good. I always end up dancing when this song comes on, it's quite infectious.
  5. The Man Who Never Lied: Number 2 on my top 25 playlist. This song is slower than a lot of them and definitely more soothing. The lyrics in this one are more powerful than the beat. I think the beat just adds to it. Another good one to fall asleep to.
  6. Love Somebody: Number 6 on my top 25 playlist. This song is relevant to anyone who just wants to find that one special person. I love the lyrics. The beat mixed with Adam's voice is completely soothing. This would be a good song to play at a dance of some sort, it's catchy but also it is the perfect song to slow dance to. I love listening to it at night right before bed because it calms my mind down a lot.
  7. Lady Killer: I feel like this song is about Adam's recent break up with Victoria's Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna, I think this just based on the lyrics and the fact that she broke up with him in a less than traditional way. Regardless I love this song. It's catchy and fun, with a dancy beat and lyrics that are easy to learn. 
  8. Fortune Teller: Number 12 on my top 25. This song is really amazing. I love the lyrics, they really touch the heart. I like how slow but still dancy this song is. I can listen to it all the time and not get sick of it. I like that it basically gives the message to live in the now and not worry to much about the future in a fun way.
  9. Sad: Number 20 on my top 25. Another mellow, slower song. It's one of those songs you add to your "Sad playlist". I've listened to it when I was sad and for some reason I actually felt a little bit better. It is quite a depressing song, but I think Adam's voice makes it better. This is a fantastic song to fall asleep to. Definitely number 1 on my sleep playlist.
  10. Tickets: Number 3 on my top 25. This is a very catchy song, and for some reason I think it's pretty funny. I start singing this song all the time. It's definitely one of my top 4 favorites on the album.
  11. Doin' Dirt: Number 13 on my top 25. The beat to this song reminds me of disco music and I can't help but sing and dance when I listen to it. Very upbeat and uplifting. I seriously start dancing like I'm at a disco (even though I wasn't born when those were in style haha).
  12. Beautiful Goodbye: Number 5 on my top 25. This song! Words cannot even begin to describe how I feel about this song. I am IN LOVE with it. His voice mixed with the mellow beat and the amazing lyrics. Pure magic. This song melts my heart. If you listen to the lyrics they are really sad and I feel like this is also about his break up. I could be wrong but that's my opinion.
  13. Wipe Your Eyes: 1 of 3 songs on the iTunes deluxe edition. I love this song. Even though I feel like he's singing about a girlfriend or something, I always think about my best friend. And I see it as always being there for him. Not sure why but I always do. This song is really good though. The lyrics are mega powerful and the beat is comforting. 
  14. Wasted Years: 2 of 3 songs on the iTunes deluxe edition. Very upbeat and kind of a jazzy feel to the song. I not as dancy as half of the songs and not as calming as the other half of the songs. It's not my favorite song, but I don't hate it.
  15. Let's Stay Together: 3 of 3 songs on the iTunes deluxe edition. Also a cover of the song by Al Green. I love this song in its original form and I really like the cover too. They added a more poppy modern beat. Adam has the perfect voice to sing this song.
So if you haven't heard any of these songs or you haven't gotten the album I suggest you do that ASAP! 
Happy listening!
♥  E

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