Monday, June 18, 2012


Yesterday was Father's day and I spent it with the world's greatest Grandpa!!
The first day I was here we just stayed around the house so that I could relax and adjust. Then yesterday Grandma and Grandpa took me on a little tour. They showed me the church the Grandpa attends, the lake by their house and the road that they lived on when they first got married.

We went to Cracker Barrel for a fathers day dinner. Their food was AMAZING! I had the chicken fried chicken, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and apple sauce with a biscuit. It was so good. While we were at dinner my aunt S called and I got to talk to her for a little bit, which was awesome because I haven't talked to her in FOREVER! After dinner we went to Meijer which is basically a mix between Winco and Walmart. We got back to the house and just talked for a while. At about 2 am EST we went to bed, and by bed I mean I texted my best friends, went on Facebook and Tumblr, watched Friends and played Sims haha. I didn't end up going to bed until about 4 am EST which in PST is about 1 am which is when I normally go to sleep.
Yesterday was a very good day. Can't wait to see what happens today!
♥ E

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