Saturday, June 23, 2012

Quilting 101

There is one simple reason I haven't blogged in four days: I haven't felt like blogging.
Let me update you on what has happened.

We didn't really do anything, except we went to Mejer and our check out guy was creepy.
He looked like a rapist and kept smiling at me. I ran out of there as fast as possible.
This is Creepy Mccreeper
After that Grandpa wanted to try the new Arby's Ultimate BLT so we did. It was AMAZING!
I sent this picture to Burrito because I'm kind of an ass :)

We started making a quilt for me. I designed every inch of it. We went to Joann's for some fabric and then we got started that night. It's really coming along. We should be done by July.
Look at all of this fabric! That's not even half their stock

Getting prepared to iron the fabric after we stitch it

The sewing machine that Grandma doesn't let anyone (but me) use

This is just a taste of what part of the quilt will look like

Nothing much happened. I felt sick all day and missed my mom and family and friends, so I stayed in bed pretty much all day. Then after dinner Grandma and I worked on my quilt some more. We hand stitched some of the black and white squares together.

I woke up super late because I stayed up wayyy to late. Then Grandma and I went to the mall to see if I could get a job. No such luck. Hopefully I'll find something soon, because I want to leave already. I got super homesick and started crying really hard.
I just miss everyone so much, and for some reason it feels like nobody misses me. It just kind of hurts.
I talked to my mom for a little bit and that made me sad too. I actually miss my mom which tells me that I need to go home as soon as possible because I never miss my mom.
Hopefully something amazing happens and I start having fun.
♥  E

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