Thursday, June 28, 2012

99 degrees of job applications

This is how hot it was today. Plus humidity
Today was HOT! And of course I wore jeans when we first left. Not my best idea.
But I only did it because I was going to fill out job applications and I thought that was more professional than pink and white striped boot shorts...
I might have an interview though! And we're going to go fill out more applications tomorrow. I really hope I get a job, because even though it would cause me to stay longer I'd have money which would be amazing, especially since Forever 21 is so close :)
After we got back from filling out apps and getting groceries we ate dinner. Then Grandma and I talked for hours. She asked all about school, then freaked out about my school, then tried to "teach me how to really shop", it was overall a good talk but some parts were super annoying.
I like talking to her, but sometimes she takes things too seriously. And she worries too much.
I just hope that I get a job really soon so I won't be stuck in the house 24/7. I'm also going to start running as soon as it isn't a million degrees.
Getting fit and making money. New goals for this summer!
I LOOOOOVED olives when I was younger, and I still LOOOOVE the Olive Garden :)
Happy Throw Back Thursday!
♥  E

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


The way to my heart :)
This time my delayed post have a better reason than me being lazy. The internet quit working on Monday around 8am EST and didn't start working until yesterday at about 9pm EST. Anyway here's an overview.

Lazy day. I don't think I really got out of bed. But I did iron some fabric for my quilt, and I have to say that was quite fun. I can't wait to finish the quilt and take it back to school with me!
This has music notes on it
Red fabric :)

Road trip to Jackson, MI., anyone?
My outfit for the day. New tank, blue jeans, sweater
Well this day was quite eventful! I didn't sleep because we needed to be up and out of the door by 8 am, and Grandma and I had a super long talk that lasted until 4:30am so there was no point in sleeping. Then I got up and got ready at about 7. We left at about 8ish and went to McDonald's for a quick breakfast (their bacon, egg and cheese bagel isn't too bad). Then we hit the road, I was in and out of sleep so I have no idea how long the trip took. But we arrived in Jackson, MI and went to the little meeting that Grandpa was attending. It was super boring, it was just a bunch of old people talking about something. I have no idea what because I was reading the whole time. After the meeting we went to Kroger (which I guess is like their version of Fred Meyer, considering Fred Meyer brand is Kroger). We bought some delicious fruit. Then we came home and I took a SUPER long nap, and even with that long nap I still went to bed early (mostly because the internet wasn't working, I was bored, and I was tired).
My favorite picture of the whole trip :)

Oh yeah and Daily Grace liked my post on Tumblr!! :D

Grandma wasn't feeling well yesterday so I stayed in my room and tried to be quiet so that I wouldn't bother her. I texted Burrito and my Mermaid and an old friend from high school, which was great. The internet came back to me and that made my day better instantly. I watched Pretty Little Liars, then I watched Friends and Jessie (yeah I still watch kid shows, got a problem with that?). Oh yeah and Grandpa made me bacon :) A man after my heart for sure  
Around 3 am one of my best friends, my British Mate (she's not British but we pretend we are when we're together), texted me and told me that at the end of the summer she's moving to California. I was in the process of going to sleep when she texted me. That brought my mood down and I wasn't tired at all. Then my Mermaid texted me, it's amazing it's like he always knows I'm down and texts me to make me feel better. He's kind of the best. Then I went out and discovered Grandma was still awake so we talked. Then I stayed up all night and watched Friends and the season finale of Girls, and downloaded new music and games and stuff.
I promise that my next post will be tomorrow and be 100x shorter!
Have a great weekend :)
♥  E

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Quilting 101

There is one simple reason I haven't blogged in four days: I haven't felt like blogging.
Let me update you on what has happened.

We didn't really do anything, except we went to Mejer and our check out guy was creepy.
He looked like a rapist and kept smiling at me. I ran out of there as fast as possible.
This is Creepy Mccreeper
After that Grandpa wanted to try the new Arby's Ultimate BLT so we did. It was AMAZING!
I sent this picture to Burrito because I'm kind of an ass :)

We started making a quilt for me. I designed every inch of it. We went to Joann's for some fabric and then we got started that night. It's really coming along. We should be done by July.
Look at all of this fabric! That's not even half their stock

Getting prepared to iron the fabric after we stitch it

The sewing machine that Grandma doesn't let anyone (but me) use

This is just a taste of what part of the quilt will look like

Nothing much happened. I felt sick all day and missed my mom and family and friends, so I stayed in bed pretty much all day. Then after dinner Grandma and I worked on my quilt some more. We hand stitched some of the black and white squares together.

I woke up super late because I stayed up wayyy to late. Then Grandma and I went to the mall to see if I could get a job. No such luck. Hopefully I'll find something soon, because I want to leave already. I got super homesick and started crying really hard.
I just miss everyone so much, and for some reason it feels like nobody misses me. It just kind of hurts.
I talked to my mom for a little bit and that made me sad too. I actually miss my mom which tells me that I need to go home as soon as possible because I never miss my mom.
Hopefully something amazing happens and I start having fun.
♥  E

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Retail Therapy :)

Today Grandma took me to the mall for some much needed shopping.
Prior to this shopping trip I found something out and my mood diminished so this shopping trip was just what I needed. I forgot about everything that was bothering me and just shopped! 

From Macy's I got this:
Sweater and tank top, you can't tell but it's a really cute teal color

From New York and Company I got this:
A peachy colored tank top with a pocket on the front

From Forever 21 I got these:
A blue and white stripped shirt, this reminds me of my Burrito
Blue tank top, it's darker than it appears

From Sears I got these:
Yellow country looking strapless shirt
Blue purse. It was $40 but we got it for like $6

 All in all we should have spent about $167.94 but we only spent $48.63. Talk about bargain shopping!!! It was a pretty great time all in all. It made me homesick a bit because the mall here is way different from the one back home. 
Then when we got back here things went a bit haywire via texting, which only added to my homesickness. Dinner was way awkward because I wanted to cry the whole time, but I didn't. I am entirely too protective of my friends, but it's only because I care. I think everything is going to be okay though. My little family (aka my best friends from home/school) has been through a lot lately and I think this is just one of those speed bumps that we can easily get over. I have faith. Watching Pretty Little Liars isn't helping this serious case of homesickness, but I think I'll be okay... I hope at least. I wonder what tomorrow has in store for me.

I miss and love my little family, and we'll be back together in no time.

♥  E

Monday, June 18, 2012

Tacos and Chocolate cake

Today we didn't do too much, Grandpa made me try some tacos from one of his favorite places. They were good, but Burrito's mom makes WAY better tacos (now I want some real tacos). Then I just kind of hung out in my room texted my friends, watched Friends and played Sims. Then one of my close friends called me and we talked on the phone for an hour! That may not seem like a long time to some people but I HATE talking on the phone so that was pretty amazing. 
The cake I made :)
A little while later I started making a cake. It turned out great. It was chocolate cake with coconut and pecan frosting. While I enjoyed baking with my grandma, it made me miss all of the times I made cupcakes with my best friends in the dorm kitchen.
We had dinner after that and then I decided to "go to bed". For some reason my head is killing me, hopefully I feel better tomorrow.
Goodnight everyone!
♥  E


Yesterday was Father's day and I spent it with the world's greatest Grandpa!!
The first day I was here we just stayed around the house so that I could relax and adjust. Then yesterday Grandma and Grandpa took me on a little tour. They showed me the church the Grandpa attends, the lake by their house and the road that they lived on when they first got married.

We went to Cracker Barrel for a fathers day dinner. Their food was AMAZING! I had the chicken fried chicken, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and apple sauce with a biscuit. It was so good. While we were at dinner my aunt S called and I got to talk to her for a little bit, which was awesome because I haven't talked to her in FOREVER! After dinner we went to Meijer which is basically a mix between Winco and Walmart. We got back to the house and just talked for a while. At about 2 am EST we went to bed, and by bed I mean I texted my best friends, went on Facebook and Tumblr, watched Friends and played Sims haha. I didn't end up going to bed until about 4 am EST which in PST is about 1 am which is when I normally go to sleep.
Yesterday was a very good day. Can't wait to see what happens today!
♥ E

Flight Photos!

Here are a bunch of pictures from my flight from Medford to Detroit
My boarding passes
The baby plane that I rode to San Francisco in 
^That's Mt. Ashland ^
Goodbye my sweet city, see you in the Fall

The view directly from my window
San Francisco

About to land!
San Francisco to Phoenix
This looked so weird to me

I LOVE this picture

Window seats are the best
The fluffy clouds. I couldn't help but take a few pictures
Looks like Heaven
Phoenix to Detroit
Sunset in the air
The last picture before the sun set completely
I had a great trip and I'm glad I got to take so many pictures!
♥ E