Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Retail Therapy :)

Today Grandma took me to the mall for some much needed shopping.
Prior to this shopping trip I found something out and my mood diminished so this shopping trip was just what I needed. I forgot about everything that was bothering me and just shopped! 

From Macy's I got this:
Sweater and tank top, you can't tell but it's a really cute teal color

From New York and Company I got this:
A peachy colored tank top with a pocket on the front

From Forever 21 I got these:
A blue and white stripped shirt, this reminds me of my Burrito
Blue tank top, it's darker than it appears

From Sears I got these:
Yellow country looking strapless shirt
Blue purse. It was $40 but we got it for like $6

 All in all we should have spent about $167.94 but we only spent $48.63. Talk about bargain shopping!!! It was a pretty great time all in all. It made me homesick a bit because the mall here is way different from the one back home. 
Then when we got back here things went a bit haywire via texting, which only added to my homesickness. Dinner was way awkward because I wanted to cry the whole time, but I didn't. I am entirely too protective of my friends, but it's only because I care. I think everything is going to be okay though. My little family (aka my best friends from home/school) has been through a lot lately and I think this is just one of those speed bumps that we can easily get over. I have faith. Watching Pretty Little Liars isn't helping this serious case of homesickness, but I think I'll be okay... I hope at least. I wonder what tomorrow has in store for me.

I miss and love my little family, and we'll be back together in no time.

♥  E

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