Monday, July 30, 2012

REVIEW: Handle With Care

I just finished the book Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult. I have read numerous books by her and I have loved every single one of them. Those are the only books that have made me cry.
I thought this book was going to be no different.

Handle with Care is about a young girl named Willow O’Keefe who has osteogenesis imperfecta which is also known as brittle bone disease. Sneezing, falling, running into a table, and rolling over while she’s sleeping. She can break a bone so easily that she has broken over 60 bones and she’s only 6. In the book her mother sues the physician that happens to be her best friend. She sues her for wrongful birth, which is a lawsuit that states that if the mother had been informed of the medical condition of her child before birth she would have chosen to terminate the birth.

I don’t want to give any of the good stuff away, but this book is full of surprises. I could hardly put the book down! Not only did I learn about a medical condition that I knew little to nothing about I also learned a bunch of other facts, Willow reads a lot since she isn't allowed to play like normal kids due to how easily she breaks so throughout the book she spouts off random facts. 
Examples: an armadillo can walk underwater, a persons thumb is as long as their nose, a tuna will suffocate if it stops swimming.

I can't even begin to express the way this book made me feel. Jodi Picoult is and always will be my favorite author. Whenever I read her books I feel emotional invested in the lives of the characters. This book was no different. I didn't cry until the end, and even though I had a hunch as to what would happen, as soon as I read it tears welled up in my eyes and my nose began to run. 

I seriously suggest everyone read this book! It is so moving.

Happy reads,
♥  E

Here is a video of Jodi Picoult discussing Handle with Care

Thursday, July 26, 2012

REVIEW: So You Think You Can Dance?

   For those of you who don't know what So You Think You Can Dance is {have you been living in a cave?}, it's a dance show that was created in 2005 by Nigel Lythgoe and Simon Fuller. They hold auditions all over the U.S and they eventually eliminate it down to a top 20 {10 boys & 10 girls}, those top 20 are then put on the show. They're paired up and then they get assigned a choreographer. They have a loooong list of choreographers that help out on the show, sometimes the choreographers are used as judges too. The dancers dance then get judged by Nigel Lythgoe, Mary Murphy and a third judge that changes every week. At the end of the show America votes for their favorites and then next week people are eliminated based on the votes of America.

    Since I don't really have a lot to blog about because we haven't done much here, I decided to start reviewing things for you guys. I decided to start the reviewing with SYTYCD.
I am so pumped because I just got done watching this weeks episode of SYTYCD and OHMYGOSH! 
Can I just say that this season is totally my favorite. I have favorites from past seasons but I LOVE the whole group this season!
My favorite routines this week were as follows:

  1. Cyrus and Eliana dancing a NappyTabs routine
  2. Chehon and Whitney dancing a Stacey Tookey routine
  3. George and Tiffany also dancing NappyTabs
If you couldn't tell Napoleon and Tabitha D'umo are my faovrite choreographing duo. I also LOVE Sonya Tayeh, Travis Wall, Tyce Diorio, Stacey Tookey, Pasha Kovalev, and Sean Cheesman. I think all of them are wonderful dancers and amazing choreographers.

I've been watching this show for so many seasons. I got hooked on it because of my best friend L and ever since I've been obsessed. I think this season is my favorite though.
My favorite individual dancers are{in no particular order}:
I have a serious heart attack every time my favorites are in the bottom 6. I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't seen this weeks episode or last weeks, but OH MY GOSH! I can't believe on of my favorites has gone home both weeks. I really hope two of my favorites make it to the top, maybe even win.
I can't believe they're taking a two week break! That is an outrage! But I know that when they return there will be some killer dance routines.
For those of you who haven't seen it, you should totally check it out and tell me what you think. For those of you who have seen it, you should also tell me what you think :)

Don't forget about National Dance Day guys! July 28! Mark your calendars. Head over to the Dizzy Feet Foundation to learn more and download the dances!

Hope you all have a dance-filled rest of the week!
♥  E

Friday, July 20, 2012

La biblioteca

This is on one of the corners and I had to take a picture

This is what I made! Chicken parmigiana, pasta, and salad
      Grandpa went to Chicago earlier this week to visit his family, so while he did that I made dinner for grandma and I. I planned the whole dinner and made it all by myself. I'd say it turned out well.
       It was super delicious! I will definitely make it again. Maybe for friends when school gets back?
Who knows. All I know is that it was fabulous and I loved it.

Yesterday grandma and I went to the library.
I had high expectations because the library back home is AMAZING!
My hopes were slowly crushed, but overall it was an okay library.
I have a list of books that I want to read before school starts, and unfortunately the library here doesn't have most of them. I mean really? What library doesn't have classic books?!

Just some light reading :)

The books I got:
  • The Tempest - William Shakespeare
  • As You Like It - William Shakespeare
  • Sing You Home - Jodi Picoult
  • Handle With Care - Jodi Picoult
  • The Complete Novels of Jane Austen Volume II

I thought this was cute
This is the little plaque on the statue

 The best part about that library was the fact that they had different cards that people could choose. I thought that was really cool.
The library kind of sucked but I'm glad that I get to read this summer. I remember that I spent one whole summer reading a few summers ago. Reading is always fun because it takes you away from where you are and puts you in a world of your own.
When I finish each of the books I'll review them for you :)
Read tons of books and have a great weekend!
♥  E

Thursday, July 12, 2012


So I basically haven't done anything important or blog worthy in a few days.
But today I not only got the most amazing news ever, I also got to Skype with my best friends!
The good news really doesn't involve me but I am SO excited for the people it does involve!
I couldn't stop smiling when I heard. AHHHHHH!!! BEST. NEWS. EVER!
I'm not allowed to say what it is, but OHMYGOSH!
Then I started Skyping with S and we Skyped for about an hour, then we got my little mermaid and M to Skype with us. It was honestly so amazing to hear from all of them.
We've come in agreeance that I need to get home ASAP!
Unfortunately I don't think that's going to happen. And I have to miss M's birthday at the end of the month :(
Even though I am super homesick, I really enjoyed seeing and talking to those three.
It made my day instantly better. And made my summer infinitely better.
Hopefully we Skype again.
I miss my Ashland Familia :(
But I know that I will see them all in due time.
Good things come to those who wait, so I shall wait for my good thing :)
Have a lovely weekend all,
♥  E

Monday, July 9, 2012


This is the skirt that I designed and made last weekend :)
Grandma and I are gonna make a few more things while I'm here and I'm pretty excited.
I used to design clothes when I was little, we were gonna open our own boutique and name it E & E designs, but then I got lazy and stopped designing.
{Laziness is the reason my life isn't totally awesome BTW}
Anyway I love this little skirt, it's totally adorable and I cannot wait to party in it.
Yes I did make this skirt to go partying, I'm in college, what did you expect?
I've already started designing some more stuff ,
{mentally because I have the drawing skills of a two-year-old}, and I can't wait to make them.
I guess in a way coming to Michigan wasn't the worst thing ever.
Don't get me wrong I still very much want to be home, but I get free clothes and stuff so it's not all bad.
On a sad note; I'm almost done watching the whole series of Friends.
Yes I have spent a lot of my time watching "tv" {it's on my computer}, but there's nothing else to do.
I'm not sure how I'm going to handle watching the last season... I've grown VERY attached to that little group of friends, they remind me of my little Ashland family.
Oh well, I'll just have to start watching a different shows series.
My summer is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glamorous.... NOT!

Have a lovely week all! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNA! :)
♥  E

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Shopping, shopping, and more shopping

Yesterday Grandma and I went to an out door mall, it was a lot like Bridgeport or Streets of Tanasborne (if you're not from Beaverton/Portland ignore that). We didn't end up buying anything because I pretty much didn't like any of it.
Then today we went to the mall we usually go to. I got a few things :)
We only went to Macy's and Sears because since it's Sunday the mall closes at 6 and we got there at like 5. But it was still enjoyable!
Here's what I got:
New pair of sandals
Super cute laptop sleeve
Summery button up shirt
Of course more stripes.. Damn you Burrito

This skirt is absolutely adorable!
Zebra print leggings
 When we got back from shopping I planted some flowers in the garden for Grandma and she watered all of her flowers and plants. Then Grandma, Grandpa and I all went grocery shopping to get food for the 4th.
When we came out of the store the sun was setting so I snapped a few pictures
You can't tell here, but the sky was super pink

The moon was so big!

Tomorrow we're going job hunting and to Joann's for fabric. I'm pretty excited. I've come to realize that this summer isn't super horrible, I'd still much rather be home, but I guess I'll be okay.... For now.
♥  E