Monday, July 30, 2012

REVIEW: Handle With Care

I just finished the book Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult. I have read numerous books by her and I have loved every single one of them. Those are the only books that have made me cry.
I thought this book was going to be no different.

Handle with Care is about a young girl named Willow O’Keefe who has osteogenesis imperfecta which is also known as brittle bone disease. Sneezing, falling, running into a table, and rolling over while she’s sleeping. She can break a bone so easily that she has broken over 60 bones and she’s only 6. In the book her mother sues the physician that happens to be her best friend. She sues her for wrongful birth, which is a lawsuit that states that if the mother had been informed of the medical condition of her child before birth she would have chosen to terminate the birth.

I don’t want to give any of the good stuff away, but this book is full of surprises. I could hardly put the book down! Not only did I learn about a medical condition that I knew little to nothing about I also learned a bunch of other facts, Willow reads a lot since she isn't allowed to play like normal kids due to how easily she breaks so throughout the book she spouts off random facts. 
Examples: an armadillo can walk underwater, a persons thumb is as long as their nose, a tuna will suffocate if it stops swimming.

I can't even begin to express the way this book made me feel. Jodi Picoult is and always will be my favorite author. Whenever I read her books I feel emotional invested in the lives of the characters. This book was no different. I didn't cry until the end, and even though I had a hunch as to what would happen, as soon as I read it tears welled up in my eyes and my nose began to run. 

I seriously suggest everyone read this book! It is so moving.

Happy reads,
♥  E

Here is a video of Jodi Picoult discussing Handle with Care

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